

Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Wonton is a super duper cute little Pomeranian who has looks that could kill!

He almost looks like a little raccoon. He is packed full of personality, weirdness and quirkiness. Wonton’s is a happy little guy that has a great attitude about anything, he is always game as long as you follow his rules! He does great with other dogs, but would like to live in an adult home probably without cats.

Wonton is looking for a very special and patient adopter.

He does have a side where he resource guards things. What we have found is that it’s mostly his bed, but also can be his ball, or what HE THINKS is his space. Sometimes that is the sofa, and sometimes that his his bed or yours. He likes to protect his items and feels strongly about that. We have found that the best thing for him is to let things be on his terms, and to not push him to do what he doesn’t want to. It’s almost like playing hard to get – ha! But it works like a charm. He DOES however really like to come snuggle up next to you on the sofa, but he isn’t ever going to love long petting sessions.

It’s tough because he’s so cute and fluffy. He does often really like to get butt scratches and chest scratches, but isn’t really a fan of having his head pet – we get it buddy :) He really loves people a lot, he just needs someone who will understand him and let him do things on his terms. At this time we feel he needs to be placed in a mature home with no kids.

He loves to go on walks and even does little spins while he walks, it’s adorable. He is so funny, and often will be found walking around backwards, or even going up stairs backwards. We have nicknamed him Rewind, LOL! He also loves treats and will do every trick he knows all at once in hopes of a bite. His favorite snacks are broccoli stems, watermelon and cheese. He is a wonderful little guy who is just looking for his people. We’re rooting for you little guy!

Wonton is estimated to be 10years young and weighs 8lbs.

Wonton Wonton Wonton Wonton