

7 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

We would like to take this moment to recognize and celebrate the fabulous Wisteria. Not only is she gorgeous and peppy, but this little senior also doesn’t act her age one bit. She trots around town greeting other dogs and she will gladly except the company of a friendly human if you properly introduce yourself. Like the old saying goes, “Slow and steady wins the race.” Wisteria is some kind of wonderful and magical bundle of love in a tiny package. Part Chihuahua, part Terrier, part perfection. She is a very special Chihuahua /Terrier mix who is undoubtedly going to blow your mind and capture your heart!

Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria Wisteria