Wes from Sales

Wes from Sales

Beagle/Terrier, Jack Russell
24 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

Well, this is ironic! Wes from Sales, a suave Jack Russell-Beagle mix who could sell a dog bed to a dog in a dog bed, is in the market for a forever dog bed. Five-time winner of the Pinnacle Performance Trophy for his game-changing work on bully stick branding, Wes is as charismatic as ever, but he’s not selling anything. Instead, he’s hoping for an even swap: his genuine love and affection for your TLC. He’s 100 percent handsome, sporting lush fluff, a perma-wag tail and smokey eyes. Add youthful agility, cross-species affability and SLE (short leg energy) to his standard features, and you have the deal of a century. And a very sweet boy.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Wes from Sales is a loving, sweet, gentle, and house trained boy who becomes your little shadow. He loves to be by your side accompanying you on all of your tasks throughout the day, looking up at you with those big, sweet, winged eyeliner eyes. At all other times of the day he loves to curl up on a soft surface – preferably one that gives him a higher vantage point than he usually has with his short little leggies!

He loves to twirl when he’s excited (which is often!). If allowed, he’ll sleep through the night as close to you as possible. There aren’t enough pets in the day to keep him satisfied!!!

He loves to go on short to medium length walks, is great on a leash, and has a good pep in his step. His favorite thing is to sniff every vertical object on his walks and let everyone know he’s been there! He’s a very quiet pup; the only time he’s made a noise so far is when he sees the occasional motorcycle and sometimes dogs, but seems to be more of a boof-er than a woof-er. He’s had mixed experiences with other dogs – he seemed to be excited to play with a small dog then less enthused by slightly bigger dogs (again, barking but no lunging or anything).

If you’re looking for a calm, gentle, cuddly dog who has SO MUCH love to give, look no further!!!!

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