It’s time to get silly … meet Wanda! Wanda is a gorgeous black and white Boston Terrier who will make you smile the minute you see her. What’s not to smile about? Wanda is kind of silly, slightly goofy, and she has eyes as big and expressive as a child in a Margaret Keane painting! You’ll fall in love with Wanda, the first time you look into … them there eyes! Whether you’re out on the town or at home, you’ll be the center of Wanda’s attention and she’ll always have her big beautiful eyes on you. And, don’t ever worry if you call for Wanda and she doesn’t turn around right away … she’s probably just waiting to see how many funny sounds you’ll make while trying to get her attention! Typical Terrier shenanigans, indeed! Wanda has the look of love and you’ll fall head over heels for her. She sparkles, she bubbles … she’s the girl with the big brown eyes! Come by Muttville and meet Wanda today! Wanda is estimated to be 11 years young and 15 pounds.

Terrier, Boston/Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted for hospice care
Take an up close look at this adorable face!