

8 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Meet Vinnie, the adorable and charming tricolor Chihuahua mix with a heart of gold. This little guy is a perfect example of how the best things come in small packages. Vinnie’s unique appearance showcases a lovely combination of white, tan, and black fur, with a touch of gray that adds a touch of sophistication to his overall look. He has a natural ability to get along well with other dogs, making him an instant favorite in any doggy playgroup. One of Vinnie’s most endearing qualities is his tail, which acts like a happiness barometer. Whenever you enter the room, his tail starts wagging uncontrollably, showing just how much he adores your presence.

In short, If you’re looking for a furry friend who will fill your heart with love, laughter, and endless tail wags, Vinnie is the perfect little guy for you.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Vinnie is the perfect couch potato buddy! He will gladly cuddle up to you and nap or crawl into your lap and ask for pets. The first thing people notice when they meet him is his wagging tail, it never seems to stop! Vinnie loves dogs of all sizes. He’s met a 70lbs mutt and did great! He was also very tolerant and patient with the kids he’s met at the local park (one of which took a special interest in playing with his wagging tail).

.Vinnie may be hard of hearing, he does not react to voice/sounds or hear me (or the cat) approaching him but seems to be able to hear the louder noises such as air breaks or trucks passing on the street. This special boy is not a big walker but will happily let you carry him around for hours. We went to the Santa Clara County Fair and he did amazing! Stairs are also not his strong suit, the most I’ve been able to coax him to do is three but he has no problem jumping on and off the curbs when being walked.

Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie