

Status: Adopted for hospice care

Vega is a small terrier fellow in search of a cozy bed and a loving heart. This lovely gent is a super sweetie; you’ll want to lavish him with lots of TLC! He’ll be a great sidekick for couch cuddles and Netflix binging. Vega promises not to judge any of your viewing choices.


Vega is truly one of the sweetest! He’s trusting and adaptable, making himself right at home in my apartment within minutes of arriving. He likes to stick close by, usually following me from room to room and pointing his face towards me while he naps. But he also has no problem being left alone for short periods of time. He might get a quizzical look in his eyes (where you are going!), but he always waits patiently for me to return. He’s never whined or barked; in fact, the only noises I’ve heard from him are an occasional cough or his nails clicking on the floor.

He has arthritis, but he’s a champ outdoors! He loves going for long walks, smelling the air, and he can even toddle up and down a few steps. He’s also been sweet and calm with every dog he’s met. Inside the house, he loves being a couch potato and is a top detective at locating the snuggliest spot on the bed or sofa! And once he learned where the front door was, he was a gentleman at letting me know if he needed to do his business or wanted fresh air. I’ve been taking him out every few hours, and he’s never had an accident.

He’s been sweet and calm with every dog he’s met. We haven’t come across a cat yet, but I’d bet strongly that he would be equally sweet.

Vega loves to love and be loved. So get ready for some big-time love with this gentle spirit!

Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega Vega