Unemployed Bear

Unemployed Bear

12 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Unemployed Bear would like you to know that even though he’s very very handsome, he is no dummy. He asks that you look past the soft waves of creamy Maltese fur, the big brown eyes and the deluxe tail to see the poet within. His work is unpublished, of course, but he’s clearly a dog of deep thoughts, a big heart and healthy respect for Platonic idealism. We like him because he’s a love who gets along with dogs and people, takes the stairs without a stumble, and listens patiently to unfiltered complaints about the weather. Adopt him today, he’ll write a couplet about you tomorrow.

Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear Unemployed Bear