

9 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Tupelo is a best-in-breed, vintage Muttville chi-chi! He meets all the stringent chihuahua standards required by the MCC (Muttville Cuteness Club): small and sprightly, a demonstrated interest in cuddling, delicate little toes, huge loving eyes, a distinguished white muzzle, a slightly concerned expression, and soft little neck rolls. Better scoop him up before he wins Best In Show.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Tupelo is gentle Chi perfection! He is a very very sweet little chihuahua, gentle and affectionate. He is pretty low key and low maintenance; not a lot of energy for running around, although he still does like his short little walks around the block. He was found as a stray but he is perfectly housetrained, so he must have had an owner at some point in his life. One funny thing about this guy is he seems to like rearranging dog beds (even ones twice or three times his size!). We have a handful of dog beds scattered around the living room, and every so often we’ll see this little chihuahua dragging one of the beds with his teeth to another corner of the room. We have not been able to figure out yet why he does that (does he want more sun? does he just like the sight lines from this other corner versus the other corner? does he want to be able to see the TV?), but it’s really cute when he does it! If you’re looking for a polite little cuddlebug with a predilection for arranging dog furniture, then Tupelo is the dog for you!

Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo Tupelo