Tre Cool

Tre Cool

Chihuahua Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

You have to come to Muttville and stare into Tre’s eyes. They are big, brown, and glistening.

You will be transported to that time in your life when you were young, scared, and madly in love. This gorgeous black chihuahua will remind you of the one that got away. When Tre first arrived at Muttville, he seemed a bit shy and scared, but hour by hour, he is coming out of his shell and reclaiming his super cool self. Here is your chance to reconnect with your soulmate and never again let him go.

Here’s what Tre Cool’s foster has to say:

Tre is in fact “tres cool.” He is a sweet little guy who is chill but retains plenty of pep in his step.

Where to start? He’s obviously beautiful, with his big brown eyes, shiny coat and velvet belly. He knows how to use his assets for sure — he gives me plenty of flirty, soulful looks or rapid-fire tail wags when he’s angling for a treat, walk or belly rub. He loves being petted and scratched, and he enjoys snuggling, especially under a blanket. (He also sleeps in the bed under the covers and he’s not an early riser!)

Tre rests hard, but he also plays hard. He’s very fit. We go for an hour-long walk every day, and if we get into a field where there’s room to move, he’ll sprint across the grass. He’ll chase me and run toward me if I’m a distance away. At the end of our walks, I get the feeling that he’d keep going. Tre races up and down stairs and can easily spring in and out of a car or onto furniture.

Tre has become quite attached to me in the time we’ve spent together. He follows me around, sits next to me on the sofa, and sleeps with me. He’s not as outgoing with anyone else so far, but he’s not anxious or afraid: he just sits and checks everybody out. He friendly and curious to dogs he meets when we’re out, and he peacefully co-exists with our old mutt Bob.

Oh…he doesn’t bark and he’s house-trained! He’s easy to handle and pick up and it’s easy to put a leash, harness or collar on him. He’s a small guy and meek, so any children he lives with must understand respect and a gentle touch.

This guy is a tiny gem.

Tre Cool is estimated to be 7 years young and weighs about 10 lbs.

Watch Tre here at the park in his beautiful sweater!
Tre Cool Tre Cool Tre Cool Tre Cool