

14 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Tracy is social butterfly and a huge gossip. She plays Mahjong every Wednesday with the ladies and you better believe nothing goes undiscussed. Even though she can’t keep a secret, Tracy is an amazing friend and will always look out for you. The only thing she needs in return is some scritches and the occasional treat.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

What can I say… She is just a love! She is a very very social and easy dog. She is friendly with men women and kids, and all dogs that she meets, big and small. She is fully house trained, is able to do stairs, and jump on and off the bed by herself. She enjoys walking on the leash and is good to walk for half hour to 45 minutes, making friends along the way. She loves to give kisses and sit beside her person, and will make an excellent companion for whoever is lucky enough to adopt her she is an easy girl! She may not hear, but she is housetrained, sweet, & social and gets around well – she can even find her way up onto the furniture (if you’ll let her!)

Read about Tracy's new life.

Meet Tracy!
Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy Tracy