

Hound Mix
Medium (20-50 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Tolga means soldier in turkish, and this boy is a soldier for sure!

Tolga comes to us all the way from Istanbul, Turkey where he was found roaming as a stray on the streets. So many strays never find a place to call home when they are found as street dogs over in Turkey. Of course, when they reached out to Muttville, we wanted to help! We don’t know all the details of Tolga’s past, what we do know is that he endured them all and made his way here, and just just couldn’t be happier about it! This perfect sized hound mix is ALWAYS wagging his little nubby tail. He literally smiles and to top it off, he gives hugs! Literally he will stand up, put his arms around you, and hug you. He will kiss you as well, of course unless that’s too forward for you, he is a gentleman to the core. He is giant brown puppy dog eyes, the most handsome spotted coat and long floppy dreamy ears. He is so handsome, so polite and sooooo deserving of a home to call his very own. We know he won’t last long, so hurry on down to Muttville to meet Tolga today!

Because Tolga is such a perfect pup, his adoption fee is being sponsored by one of his adoring fans!

Tolga is estimated to be 7 years young and weighs 43 lbs.

Tolga Tolga Tolga