

Japanese Chin
15 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

You might take one look at Tassel and think, I bet this dog wants to talk to the manager. This is why it’s important to never judge a book by its cover, or in this case, a dog by its luscious princess fur. Tassel is a laid back, easy going munchkin with a tongue too long for her head (seriously where is she keeping that thing?). She is extremely generous with kisses, snuggles, and long white dog hair. Time to buy some lint rollers!

Here’s a note from her foster:

Tassel is such a good girl, and so easy going. She’s very low maintenance. She will follow me from room to room, unless she is busy being very comfortable on the couch. Tassel loves to give kisses, and will regularly give my hand or arm a bath. She doesn’t seem to mind being left alone. She loves pets and scritches, but doesn’t like when I have to wipe her face folds (I need to be very careful or she will jerk away.) The only time I have heard her make a noise was when applying her eye cream, and she yelped (understandable, I don’t want people putting things in my eyes either). We have a cat, and Tassel doesn’t have any interest in the cat at all and completely ignores him.

So far, Tassel has been an extremely picky eater, and only seems to like chicken. We haven’t figured out what kind of food she likes yet but we are working on it. I also get the feeling that she might have been fed table scraps based on the way she watches me eat, but she doesn’t beg or whine at all.

Tassel enjoys walks, but is an extremely slow walker. It could be her age, or arthritis or possibly that she is overweight, but either way she moves very slow. When we need to cross a street, I pick her up, which she doesn’t seem to mind too much. On walks, Tassel tends to ignore other dogs. She is totally fine when dogs come to say hi to her, but she isn’t very interested in them in return. She seems to be potty trained, and always does her business on walks.

Tassel is a delight, and her facial expressions and little snorts crack us up. The only lifestyle thing to keep in mind is that she is not active, so she is definitely not the kind of dog to go on hikes or long walks. Otherwise, she would probably be a good fit in just about any home, and will bring someone lots of joy.

Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle Tassle