

6 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Here Here introducing your majesty Queen Tammi. She has arrived to take her throne at Muttville while she waits for her perfect castle to take her in. She is just a wee little Papillon, with ears that resemble the wings of a butterfly. Her coat is in pristine condition, soft and silky and lovely to touch. She is the epitome of perfection. Madame Tammi prefers to rest her tired paws away from the presence of other mutts, and enjoys a warm cup of tea before her slumbers. At any given moment she may request a short visit to the “water closet” by way of a short walk around the garden. Your majesty Tammi is not a hard woman to please we can assure you this much is true.

Tammi Tammi Tammi Tammi Tammi Tammi