Strawberry Frosted

Strawberry Frosted

Pinscher, Miniature/Chihuahua
12 lbs (small)
Est. age: 12 yrs
Status: Available

If dogs were catty, they’d take one look at Strawberry Frosted and loud-whisper mean stuff because they’re jealous. And Strawberry, a min-pin chi mix oblivious to her prodigious charms, would smile and wave. Fortunately, this sweetie potpie with puppy pep and sleek two-tone couture, is among friends. Always is, really, because dogs, humans and other living things can’t help but love her playful vibe and positive outlook. She likes a lap, a snuggle and a walk, which in her case, is powered by her tail wagging in perfect rhythm with her hips. You’re going to want to see that. And then adopt her.

Strawberry Frosted Strawberry Frosted Strawberry Frosted Strawberry Frosted Strawberry Frosted Strawberry Frosted