

16 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

It’s been way too long since a scruffy dog has been a major box-office draw, but that’s about to change. Meet Spoons. Could there be anything cuter, fluffier, floppier, happier, and heart-meltier than this little guy? Spooooooons! We’re already picking out bandanas. And sewing tiny denim overalls. And having legal review his studio contract. And yes, we’re casting for his human sidekick. Is it you?

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Spoons came to us as a curmudgeon of an old man. He didn’t eat much for a couple days, didn’t walk on leash very well, and we’re pretty sure he was muttering things under his breath about us crazy kids. But after a few days of getting used to our house, a bath, another bath, and a haircut he’s turned into a happy and loving senior gentleman! He still mostly can’t see, mostly can’t hear, and drools a little in his sleep. But he’s also excited for walks, has vocally let us know his true love – chicken! – and he arfs to let us know when he wants some scratches.

He is a great sleeper, and enjoys sleeping in late…getting him up by 9:00am can be a challenge. He’s had a few accidents in the house, but we’re learning his habits and getting in sync. He’s food motivated but still takes his time eating. Did we say he loves chicken? Apparently Spoons had been getting lots of it before coming to visit us as he really should lose a few pounds. So when he does his little tap dance on his front paws when he’s happy or trying to perform for human food, you’ll just need to stay strong and resist!

Spoons appears to have some arthritis in his back legs and can’t do stairs well (he also can’t see them well). He loves to sniff and wander, almost like a roomba inside the house as he maps out every corner and sniffs his way around. He likes to take short, slow walks but seems to love being outside; our yard has been a happy place for him. He’ll wander back and forth nose to the ground, being sure to stop and sniff all the flowers.

If you’re ready to add this silver fox to your silverware collection, then Spoons is the dog for you!

Meet Spoons and watch him meet himself!
Spoons Spoons Spoons Spoons Spoons Spoons Spoons Spoons