

Chihuahua, Short Coat/Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Spanx is cute as a button, with a sweet and gentle personality. She really loves to be around other dogs. She enjoys being doted upon and is quite a snuggle muffin. She can be a little bit shy at first, but we don’t blame her, change is hard. Spanx has a great medium energy level, not too crazy, and not too lazy …ha! She’s up for walks and adventures. Because she is a shy little lady, we think she will do best in a mature environment with someone patience and understanding to let her bloom in her own time. Spanx is a really good girl! Spanx is estimated to be 10 years young and weighs 10 lbs.

Spanx loves adventures with her foster mom and foster dog sister ♥
Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx Spanx