

11 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

This girl wants to be your friend so badly. She is a teensy bit shy initially, but warms up quickly and loves a lap. Her fir is just at the legal limit of softness – any softer and she’d have to go to jail for public endangerment. Civilization as we know it could collapse if everyone wanted to pet this little lady’s noggin. If you play your cards right, you can be her forever home.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Layla/Solitaire is a dream dog. We have been fostering her for a couple of weeks (before she was an official Muttville girlie!) and she is the easiest foster we have ever hosted. She seems far younger than her 14 years. She loves hanging out with our dogs and has immediately warmed up to every guest of ours she has met. Our own dogs range from a 12 pound terrier/chi to a 75 pound Lab and she is social with all of them. She also loves playing with us (not a big player with the other dogs although she hangs out with them and follows them if they seem to be doing something exciting!) She loves having her tummy tickled and playing with my husband!

She seems not to have any hearing or vision issues. Is a great eater. Takes her meds like a champ. Goes potty outside or on a pee pad. Loves going for walks and rides in the car. Her former living situation was definitely not ideal (hoarder who was found dead by her 20 year old daughter,) but I think she was loved. She is not fearful or jumpy.

She is quiet unless my "customer service getting her meal to her is too slow for her liking! All of our dogs are like that too. Honestly, we adore her and are very happy to foster her until she finds the perfect home.

Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire Solitaire