

19 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Oh Snyder, how are you so wonderful? Gentle, polite and sweet, he’s poodle perfection personified (or is it dogified?). Snyder is so handsome, with his gorgeous curly black coat and dignified face. He’ll enjoy taking strolls by your side and cuddles on the couch (he’d appreciate a few booty skritches too, if you have the time).


Snyder is a VERY sweet and gentle soul who loves his people. He’s little different than our usual fosters since he lost his owner and just seemed a bit sad when we first brought him home.

He was constantly looking out the window of the car or people walking by to (I think) see if he could spot his ‘person’. :(

Now that he’s been here for a few days, he’s warming up to the family and looks us in the eyes now. I’m the main caregiver who takes him for walks and feeds him so he is my little shadow. He follows me around wherever I go. But…. he also loves our daughters and is happy when they get up in the morning or come in the door from school!

We’ve only heard him make a sound once when he thought he was alone on the first night. He made a very brief low howl sound but when I went up to him and he knew I was there, he stopped. We haven’t heard a sound out of him since.

He mostly lies by my desk while I work, but will get up and ‘check in’ with others in the house from time to time. Once he knows where everyone is and takes a few circles of the house, he’ll come back and sit by me.

Snyder LOVES going for walks and is a great walker! He stays right by my side and doesn’t pull or hesitate. He takes the lead from me and won’t even cross over the door threshold to go out until he sees I’m going too. When we’ve met other dogs on the sidewalk his tail wags like crazy and he loves to meet them. We’ve had no issues at all so far with that.

He also loves toys! After a recent bath, he ran around with a major case of the ‘zoomies’ like a little puppy! Squeezing and playing with his toys and fetching them and bringing them back. We’ve played a few times since then and he’s adorable!

He seems to be almost deaf. He will barely react to very loud sounds if we make them but doesn’t hear his name or react at all if we use a normal voice. He’s definitely house trained. We used belly bands for a couple of days to be sure, but no accidents and he’s been belly band free all day today.

Snyder doesn’t do well with stairs. He will come up the stairs but needs to be coaxed and is slow and unsteady. Maybe this is due to his arthritis or just being unfamiliar with stairs. He will do best in a home with few or no stairs.

Overall, Snyder is a very sweet boy who has a lot of love to give and would be great addition to any loving family!

Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder