

Mini Pinscher Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Oh Snoop Dog!!

Snoop has arrived and everyone loves him! Snoop is sooo funny and such a character! He has such funny facial expressions and we have even seen him give an all tooth smile! He also has been known to walk around on his 2 back legs like a little human. This little pinscher knows how to charm the ladies and gents around here. Snoop has had a rough past but seems to have forgotten all about it. He is the perfect size to tag along where ever you go and can not wait to have his own pack! Are you looking for a furry buddy to join yours? Fill out an application today and meet Snoop soon!

Snoop is estimated to be 10 years young and weighs 13 lbs.

Snoop Snoop Snoop