

12 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Our Shelly is the nicest pup west of the Mississippi. She is sweeter than sweet tea, and more polite than your granny. The most wholesome part about Shelly is she gives exceptional hugs. Just squat down for more than two seconds and she will bolt over to make sure you feel loved.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

What a gentle, unassuming, girl she is! Shelly was already so well-mannered when she arrived, but now she’s learning to have fun, too! I don’t think she’d ever been on a walk – and certainly never at the beach. She loves it all! She’s a little scared when she goes somewhere new, but she is so trusting that if you say it’s ok, she’ll give it a try.

She LOVES to snuggle – on the sofa, in bed, even (if you’ll allow it) in your lap while you work. But if you say no, she’ll accept it and curl up nearby. She is quiet, well-behaved, sleeps through the night, appears to be housetrained, and just adores affection. She’s great with my other dog and while she may cringe a little when she’s meeting new people, she’s actually quite happy to get their pats. I’ve never seen her in a situation where she was anything but polite.

She’s a gem. She’s clearly had a rough life until now, and it is a privilege to give her the love that she so deserves!

Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly Shelly