

Chihuahua Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted for hospice care

Tyrion Lannister: “You can’t snuggle your way out of everything.”

Shae: “I have so far.”

— Tyrion Lannister and Shae, before the Battle of Blackwater Bay

Shae is a special cutie with admirers out the door! She always has a happy bounce in her step and a perpetually wagging tail. No one can resist her charms- one smile from her and you’re a goner. Shae is a lover, and is always DTC (down to cuddle). Shae is outgoing, lively and just a total delight. Take her home and she will make you feel like the most important, special person in the world!

Shae is estimated to be 12 years young and weighs 6 lbs.

Shae Shae Shae