

Pinscher, Miniature/Mix
21 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted


I have nothing but wonderful things to say about this little lady. She is smart as a whip and incredibly observant – knows her Sit, Stay, & Come down pat and is well house trained & mannered. She thrives on routine and knows exactly when it’s time to eat meals, take a walk, potty break and have her medical treatments. She eats very well and is very food motivated which makes giving meds super easy. She has become used to the regular twice a day shots although it doesn’t stop the drama queen in her from peeking out every now and again! (She never bites or snaps, just whines.) She loves to be outside and is a great walker with a very nice, easy pace.

She is definitely becoming vision impaired, how much I’m unsure as she still has relatively good vision, but will bump into walls and such and can be startled if she may not see/hear you coming toward her and is touched. She doesn’t like to be alone and will become anxious. As she has become comfortable in our home, she has been ok being left alone with a busy toy/kong for an hour or two. She very much likes having a doggy BFF and our Boba has become her newest one! It’s VERY sweet, however, she tends to take a guardy stance with Boba and isn’t a fan of other pups trying to get in on the love.

With all of this said, I could easily see Sanchie in a home with a devoted person/family who can be around a lot / consistently enough to build her self confidence so that she can feel safe and comfortable alone – because I know she can do it! She’d be a great ONLY dog, if not in a house with one other dog.

This incredible girl has a TON of love to give, is a master cuddler and totally deserves to find the best new home & person / family. We have watched her get healthy, feel better and blossom into such an amazing, happy, super sweet girl and we have all come to love her so very much. We are beyond excited to prepare her for the perfect forever home she deserves

Sanchie Sanchie Sanchie Sanchie Sanchie Sanchie Sanchie