Sachet, a delicate chi with a powdered nose, is the canine equivalent of a pinch of homegrown lavender wrapped in a hand-embroidered hankie. A beloved household essential with quiet and calming powers, she has the advantage of generating warmth, offering teensy kisses, and listening closely to midnight confessions, which she promises to keep to herself. Sure, she’s a little creaky; but always up for a nip outside for a sunbath and sniff. And she’s a friend to other dogs who respect their elders. What is missing from your full life and loving nest? A little Sachet full of goodness and endless photo opportunities.
Here’s some notes from her foster:
After one week Sachet has opened up and is one very relaxed little lady. She has a very good appetite and takes meds no problem. I have taken her to work where she has captured the hearts of all my co-workers. When not busy being the office socializer she will happily settle down next to my desk and snooze while I work. When taking the day off from work she will settle into her reindeer bed and wait for me to come home for lunch so we can go for our afternoon walk. On our short walks, she has been very friendly with my neighbors dogs when we run into them. She seems to enjoy seeing them and gets happy but not over excited. I have found she is house trained but if I can not come home for lunch she knows how to use the pee pads.
She can do tiny little steps and when motivated she can do steps to get on the couch (I have not seen her do this but I have found her on the couch when I have come home). She does have problems going down the steps so unless you are home I would not let her up any stairs. She does like to snuggle up to you on the couch for pets and scratches. At night I let her sleep on the bed with me and she either sleeps on the dog bed (on my bed) or right next to me.