

Status: Adopted

Rose is a blooming cute poodle princess.

Her ideal throne? A lap, warm and comfy. She’s also a fan of riding around in a sling, cuddled in close to her favorite person. You’ll be smitten by her sweet little face and affectionate nature. She’ll love you even more in return!

She’s a true princess and may do best as an only dog.

Here’s a note from her foster!

Little Miss Rosie is the sweet little lapdog who loves to cuddle! She’s perfect for someone who is always home and the only lapdog for her human. While she gets along with other dogs in the house, she wants to be the only dog on your lap. She also loves to accompany you while you do errands because she isn’t a fan of being left home alone.

Rose is a high fashion super model and enjoys warm sweaters and snuggly clothing. She enjoys her freshly prepared meals and treats. She’s learning to do stairs and a she’s quick learner! She even knows how to sit.

She does sometimes have accidents in the house and needs more training but she is making good progress. Rose definitely has a mind of her own and may need a little more time for potty breaks.

Rose loves sunbathing, car rides, and going with me on my volunteer shifts for food pantry! She’s such a good little helper and loves to be doted on. Sometimes she can get a little overwhelmed by other animals and people. So it may be best if she’s in an adult household and the only dog or the only lapdog.

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