

10 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Roscoe is a peppy pup who is everything you need him to be. One ear up, one ear down, a tail that’s not quite curly, not quite straight, and a little bit shy but sweet and affectionate! Roscoe is just a small black bean of joy, ready to jump into your life!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Exclusive interview with Roscoe

What are your preferred pronouns:

he, his, him

Do you know where the powder room is located?

Outside, never inside

Do you mind being chauffeured around in a limo or other vehicle?

Not at all

How do you feel about others of your species?

Love them, like them, tolerate them, ignore them and am assertive (but never aggressive) if they get too much into my business

How do you feel about the feline species or small humans?

Hmm, don’t know yet, but I know that I enjoy meeting the grown up ones.

Are you selective about your cuisine?

While I would prefer a dining experience similar to French Laundry, if it’s edible, I’ll enthusiastically eat it

What do you do for self-care?

I enjoy brisk walks, taking the stairs and btw, unlike the other boys, I have no interest in leaving my calling card on every plant, rock or vertical object I come across.

Do you think you get enough beauty rest?

Yes, after a hard day’s work/play, I like nothing more than a full night’s slumber and mornings sleeping in

Do you consider yourself particularly verbose?

Nope, I’m a dog of few barks, except if I hear an unusual sound

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

What spare time? I’m busy every day running around the house, on the couch, off the couch, on the couch, nap time, following my fans… but I also appreciate my "me time and don’t rely on others to entertain me.

I have been called the best kisser of all time. I am truly always a glass half full kind of affectionate dog with lots of playful energy who likes to take long walks if it’s not too cold, am very curious, likes curling up in my comfy bed or anyone’s lap, and LOVES a hearty meal. Truly, the kind of dog that makes a house a home. Pick me!

Want more details? Contact my agent, aka foster mom

Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe Roscoe