Redwood is a very handsome boy. He seems to be a true country boy and is happy to be outside as much as possible. You can tell that being in the big city is new for him, however he is handling it like a champ. Redwood is very friendly and easy going. He does great with other dogs and also enjoys the company of people. When he arrived, he looked at the stairs and the elevator as if he’d never seen such things – but was willing to give it a go! He loves to lay around and his favorite pastime is to get belly rubs. We’re still learning more about this cute fella, but I give an A+ for effort and good looks! He is also very sweet and polite. :) Redwood is estimated to be 8 years young and weighs 42 lbs.

Cattle Dog, Australian (Blue Heeler)/Mix
Medium (20-50 lbs)
Status: Adopted for hospice care