

7 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Are you ready to let sweet, gentle Raleigh make your dreams come true? Not the dream about the giant ball of spiders or the runaway car with the loose brakes – but the one where you add a beautiful, loving, very good boy to your lucky family. Raleigh is a delightful little introvert – so cool, calm, and pleasant. And not to be superficial, but as you can see he’s also ridiculously handsome.

Here are some notes from his foster:

Raleigh here checking in since I’ve been staying at my fosters house. I’m still a little sad since I lost my owner and I don’t understand where they went. I’m frightened of all of the different people that come in and out of the house because my foster mom has a lot of caregivers that help her out. I sometimes growl and bark when new people come in because I’m scared and am still getting used to everyone., but it hasn’t even been a week yet! After they reassure me that everything is fine and give me some slow gentle pets, I calm right down and wag my tail.

Let me tell you about my tail! It goes extremely fast when I’m happy and getting love. When anyone pets me I always make my happy cry. It’s not really a cry but more like a whine and grumble at the same time. Sometimes I do this when I’m eating and the food is delicious! I love to eat my meals. I eat twice a day and I even take my medicine with no problem when hidden in my food.

I have to be taken outside to use the potty every 3 hours right now or I might have an accident. I don’t do it on purpose! I get yummy treats when when I use the bathroom in the right place so that’s helping me learn where to go. I also love walking outside and I behave like a champ on the leash. I don’t pull or tug, I don’t bark at people or animals, I just strut my fox like features down the street confidently. At the house I’m staying at there are many other dogs, 2 cats, a bird, and 2 Guinea pigs that I am friends with. My foster mom is proud of me for not attacking the bird. I would never!

Yesterday I got a new toy to play with and I love it so much that I got possessive over and and guarded it with my life. I had to have it taken away from me but I was promised I would get it back when I learned not to be so guardy with my toys. We are working on this now.

Well it’s past my bedtime.. I will check in again soon!



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