

8 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

This is Raisinete, a lovely dog with a coat that looks like chocolate. She has black and tan fur, and her ears stick up like little airplane wings, moving around like butterflies when she walks. Raisinete is very calm and kind, making her a great companion.

Her unique look and sweet personality make her stand out. She’s like a calming presence, and a special dog who brings happiness to everyone around her. So, if you’re seeking a four-legged companion that’s not only a visual delight but also a source of serenity and wonder, look no further than Raisinete. She’s not just a dog; she’s an experience waiting to be savored, a chocolate ball of charisma that’s ready to light up your world.

Raisinete Raisinete Raisinete Raisinete Raisinete Raisinete Raisinete