

Terrier, Yorkshire, Yorkie
7 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Button-faced heartthrob Quentin is everyone’s first crush. He’s beautiful, yet not threatening; polite enough to bring home to mom, but clowns it up just right whenever the teacher steps out of the room. The only problem is that Quentin might have better hair than you, but please don’t let his perfect bedhead make you feel less than. He can’t help that he was born too cute for words!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Quentin is just beautiful inside and out-I mean, just look at his photos! He is a very friendly and lovable boy, small but with a big presence. He is easy to get along with, and when he plays tug and fetch, you’d forget he’s not a young puppy. Quentin definitely lets you know when he wants something – like going outside for a walk, food, or your love! He usually does this by vocalizing through soft grumbles and chittering (like a bird almost) but rarely barks when he’s surprised. If he gets startled, it is pretty easy to calm him down by talking to him.

It might take him a day or two to get used to your home, but afterward, he will share all the love he has to give. Quentin just loves being around you. First thing in the morning, when you come back home, or when your bathroom time took a bit longer than he wanted, he will greet you by wagging all of his body all over you. Quentin is also very patient and gentle, quietly sitting by you while you work; he even went to a 2-hour pottery class with his foster parents and did so well!

He’s got strong legs for an 11-year-old and can jump up on couches to lounge and sleep. At night, he will prefer to sleep with you in your bed, but if that’s not your thing, you can also let him know that he’s not allowed, and he will return to his spot. He is food motivated (currently learning a few commands with treats), but he is also picky enough that he won’t try to gobble up things he doesn’t know.

Quentin seems to be house-trained since he either lets you know when he needs to go out or uses the pee pad. He enjoys short but frequent walks (been out every 3-4 hours but can hold for longer if needed), although he can do longer walks too. He is very interested in other dogs but not aggressive, enjoying getting close, sniffing, and saying hello. He is curious about the world and would perk up his cute pointy ears.

Speaking of ears, I’m not too sure if he knows his name is Quentin, but he’s been getting better at reacting to his name when called in a higher-pitched dog-friendly voice. Calling him "Cookie has yielded the same response, if not better at times.

All in all, Quentin is very lovable and easy to handle and would do great in a home where a family member can stick around with him most of the time (at least for the first few days while he adjusts) since he doesn’t like being alone.

Quentin Quentin Quentin Quentin Quentin