Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch

4 lbs (toy)
Est. age: 7 yrs
Status: Available

Leaping and leggy, sleek and trim, weighing in at an even 4 pounds of pure chi power and glory, it’s Pumpkin Patch! Currently amassing a fan base among dogs and humans of Muttville, P-Patch is doing that thing where he springs into the air like a newborn lamb, wagging his tail and sticking out a tiny tongue at the same time. Youthful barely covers it. Adopt him for adventures (with or without stairs!), love-ins, and knitting circles. He may not have the patience for chess, but he snuggles like a champ.

Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin Patch