Professor Smudge

Professor Smudge

Shih Tzu
20 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted

Professor Smudge was a PhD in AnthroPawlagy with a focus on Women and Gender Studies at UC Barkley. He was the kind of professor who always let you make up a test if you accidentally overslept and whose office door was always open. Unfortunately for Professor Smudge (but lucky for us), he was recently let go for accepting treats in exchange for better grades. Oh well, Professor! Now you can accept all the treats you want.

Here’s a note from his foster:

Professor Smudge is a wise, friendly old fellow. He loves his warm cozy bed and taking long naps in the sun (anywhere in the sun!), but he’s always ready for walkies. He may be an old fellow but he enjoys his short walks and has quite a bit of pep in his step! His tail is always up and wagging. He loves to greet other dogs and likes other people. He is always very chill and sweet with everyone.

As he’s been here, he’s spending more time walking around and following us. We know he loves his food and treats. And he also is a big fan of car rides. Open the car door and he’ll walk right up with his waggy tail and wait to be put in.

He seems ‘mostly’ blind. I think he can see shapes and light and such and he doesn’t bump into things, but if we get out of his immediate sight, he can’t find us unless we make a loud noise and never quite looks us in the eyes. But that sure doesn’t stop him!

He can’t do many stairs. He can do a couple of them up but with strain and then stops. We haven’t been able to get him to go down. We’ve been carrying him up and down because he just doesn’t like the stairs. We haven’t heard a peep out of him so far, but that may come out in the days ahead. He was alone for several hours over the weekend with our other dog and no sounds from either one (per the neighbors).

He’s a bit smelly due to his skin condition and it’s not improving a lot yet but we have patience. He seems to enjoy his baths and again….super sweet and chill about everything.

Professor Smudge Professor Smudge Professor Smudge Professor Smudge Professor Smudge Professor Smudge Professor Smudge Professor Smudge