Princess Peach

Princess Peach

14 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Ok so here is the thing about Princess Peach… she will love you so much, and so deeply, that anyone or anything that gets in her way is in very minor, non violent danger (think: loud, sorta rude woofs).

Do you have friends? Lose them. A romantic partner? Dump them. A job? Quit. Princess Peach will have none of that, because now your job is to pay attention to her and only her.

But it’s flattering, really! Doesn’t everyone kind of want someone who is so obsessed with them that it’s a little creepy and slightly concerning? It’s why Twilight was (is?) so popular. Princess Peach will be the Edward to your Bella: she will love you so much, she will not let anything stand in her way, even a handsome werewolf named Jacob …It’s sweet!

We are all guilty of a little jealousy now and then, so please don’t judge our Peachy too harshly. Haven’t you ever looked at someone having a great time and wanted to bark incessantly at them until they go away? That’s how Princess Peach feels on walkies. Seeing other dogs enjoying themselves is understandably infuriating to her, so best to scoop her up and walk the other way. It’s exactly like unfollowing your ex on Instagram. Get that happiness outta here! Unfollow. Don’t need.

But she will LOVE you. Unconditionally and with all of her heart. All she wants is to be with you, only you, forever and ever.

And nobody is pawfect. Princess Peach is no exception. But for the right person, Peachy can be your whole world (because you won’t be allowed to have anything else in it).

Here is what her foster has to say!

“Princess Peach is a very spry girl! She acts more like a puppy than a senior. Peach has lots of energy and would love an active home. She is such a good girl. She is very affectionate, always wagging her tail and loves people. She is also perfectly house trained! "

Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach Princess Peach