

Chihuahua, Short Coat/Mix
Status: Adopted

Primavera is adorable and sweet as sugar. She is so special and so easy to fall in love with. Primavera is quiet and gentle. She appreciates comfort and loves to lay by a fire – who doesn’t! She gets along great with other dogs too! Primavera would gladly lay around all day, but she also loves to go out for walks and is surprisingly quick. Prima is pup perfection and would love a quiet, warm and cozy home to call her very own!


Primavera is DEFINITELY on the Nice List this year!! Hard to believe this precious girl was dumped at the Fresno Shelter because her guardian no longer wanted her-she is perfect in every way I can’t imagine giving her up!

Primavera is so sweet and loving, when she finds her “person” in the household (right now her person is my twin sister!) she follows them around wagging her tail happily with a big tongue-out smile on her face. She LOVES having her head scratched and will lean into you for more pets. She enjoys being near her people, but isn’t needy at all and enjoys her independence as well. She sometimes likes to be on the couch with us, other times she hangs out in a dog bed in the other room.

Primavera is so polite! She is incredible with all five dogs in our holiday household and we haven’t heard her bark once! She has excellent potty manners-she will go right away when you take her outside, and she also knows what a pee pad is and when to use it if necessary :) She likes being outside and would quickly adapt to leash walks (we live on a large property so we just stroll around the yard).

Primavera came into Muttville with a little more to love than most dogs…so she’s on a weight loss diet. She gets excited at meal time but isn’t pushy, so she will definitely reach her weight loss goals quickly!

This brave girl is getting a dental on Thursday and will likely have several teeth removed because they’re pretty gross right now! So her cute little derp will be even more pronounced hopefully. If we didn’t have three dogs already we would swoop this little one up ourselves!!

Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera Primavera