

6 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

Ponzu is many things. He is teensy and also weensy. He has caramel curls of Pomeranian goodness, and some temporary bald spots that somehow enhance his good looks. He clearly picked up some ballet training along the line, and flamenco appears to be in his wheelhouse. Above all, he’s a windfall of opportunity and delight for the person who takes him home. What is better than a chance to make life grand for a guy who forgot it could be? What is more fun than two-stepping with a twirling furpants celebrating his new-found fortune? We dare you to find out.

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Ponzu is a gentle sweet boy. Many of the pictures feature him doing his favorite thing…sitting in your lap or being carried around. The only thing he loves more than people is dogs. He runs up with tail wagging to every one he sees.

He sleeps a lot and seems to be a very calm guy. He eats just great, not food protective at all. He is picking up the potty training very quickly. He sleeps all night long and goes potty immediately when I put him out in the morning.

I haven’t heard him bark yet. He has lost approximately a quarter of his hair. Mostly on his back and neck. Not sure if it will come back. But after only a couple days, I pretty much don’t think about it anymore. He has the cutest little 5 pound body (even with the missing hair). On walks, people all go on about how cute he is!

He looks up at me with the sweetest look in his eyes. He melts me.

Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu Ponzu