

Spaniel Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Sweet little Polly has crossed over the rainbow bridge. She had a wonderful second chance in her Muttville home. Her family sent us these words in remembrance:

It breaks my heart to write this, but we let Polly (aka Mollie) go last Monday. She was our tiny terror, ruling the house, always in search of food and water, biting anything that looked remotely edible (feet, other dogs, clothes, etc.) When she first came to us, she had very little energy, but after a couple of weeks with good food and plenty of rest, so became so full of life.

She wasn’t coordinated enough to walk on a leash (any slight push or pull would knock her off balance), so she would clumsily bound behind us around the block. Towards the end, it was too difficult for her to even walk to the edge of the driveway, and she continued to have worsening Old Dog Syndrome spells that started to leave permanent impairments. She slept most of the day, only waking up for food and treats, and once she couldn’t bite us anymore, I knew it was time. She was one feisty, scrappy dog, and she wouldn’t have wanted to live like that.

She had the sweetest howl which you’d only hear when she would find herself trapped. Between the washer/dryer, behind the sofa, upside down between a crack in our driveway and grass. I think our favorite memory of Mollie was when my sister picked her up to hold her. It was so amazing Mollie let her do that! However, a split second later, Mollie leapt from her lap onto the coffee table and landed face first into the guacamole. Well played, Mollie. (She also earned the nickname guacaMollie.)

Thank you again for letting us take Mollie into our homes to give her what she truly deserved for the remainder of her days on this side.

Read a loving tribute to Polly from her adopter.

Polly Polly Polly Polly