

8 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Got a feeling that something is missing from your life? Could Mercury be in retrograde AGAIN? No, dear friend. The universe is simply trying to tell you it’s time for a canine companion, and lucky you – the stars have aligned to bring Pisces into your life! He is a sweet and petite poodle mix who is looking to find a new family or best friend. At first glance, Pisces appears to be all white but has a delightfully surprising splash of color on his back left side. Given that he is a mellow and delicate soul, this cute gentleman will need some time to decompress and adjust in a calm and supportive space, but once he does, he will be generous with his compassion and love – in true Pisces fashion. Pisces will also make an exceptionally loyal best pal and provide a shoulder for you to lean on. Sound too good to be true? He can’t help it, it’s in his nature! Your horoscope is predicting lots of love and cuddles in your life, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to meet Pisces. Follow your intuition, come get to know Pisces today!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

Meet the sweetest ball of fluff straight from the stars!

Pisces is always happy to snooze nearby in his bed or snuggle up on the couch where he can rest his head on his human’s legs. But the little busybody will perk up at the slightest hint of human activity and follow you with his eyes. Though his vision may not be 100% (curb cuts are a must), he’s gotten to know his foster apartment well enough to jump on the couch unassisted.

He also relies on his nose to find his food (which he isn’t too picky about), especially if he loses his treats from his mouth.

Despite his speedy trot, short walks with Pisces can be stop and go – on his terms as he may be new to the leash. If his human needs to stop and wait for a traffic light, Pisces will run around his human with a few whines, willing the light to turn green. Oh, and some special pups and humans deserve an unannounced stop and second look, including his own reflection! You may hear a few whimpers but rarely a growl or howl from quiet Pisces. He’s most vocal when meeting new neighbor doggies.

Pisces is very easy to clean up after as he’s house trained and has non-shedding poodle fur.
Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces Pisces