

19 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Picnic is a picnic who obviously enjoys a picnic, if by picnic, you mean eating and other fun stuff that happens on the ground. He is both round and a little tubular, which makes his go-to move – a trot into a roll, body wiggles, and a flip to full sploot – a seamless show of doggie dexterity. He is the best kind of terrier, which means all kinds of terrier, and there is no cure for the crush you’re going to have when you meet him, except, of course, adoption. We recommend it!

Here’s some notes from his foster:

If you could find the words "happy-go-lucky in the dictionary, a picture of Picnic would belong right there. This guy is a total sweetheart! He loves everyone and everything.

He’s a small but sturdy little guy, and he loves following us around to monitor whatever we’re up to. He’s playful and cuddly, and trots along confidently on walks. We’ve seen him stumble on stairs and curbs, but he always gets right up and back to exploring. Picnic greets everyone he passes with a smile, and whoever adopts him is going to enjoy his happy disposition!

Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic Picnic