

Terrier Mix
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

If you’re looking for a dog so sweet, he’ll make your mouth water … meet Pez!

Oh, to be the water bowl that touches this little one’s mouth, or to be the ground upon which his dainty little paws prance! Pez is so sweet; he’ll bring out the poet in you! Pez is a handsome tiny Terrier with golden brown fur and the cutest little button nose you ever did see. With a puppy dog face and a candy-coated personality to match, he’s the sweetest of the bunch and everyone’s favorite! A total confectionary for the soul, Pez is always the right dog at the right time because it’s Pez time all the time! I mean, who could resist? If you’re looking for the perfect companion in bite-size pieces of adorableness, look no further. Come by Muttville and meet Pez today!


I don’t know if you’ve heard of prancercise, but rumor on the street is that the idea was stolen from Pez. When not prancing around the neighborhood, he enjoys searching the house for a good lap to sit on. If that is not available, he can be found in the patch of sunlight by the back door. Actually, he is a certified black belt in coziest-spot-finding. I injured my back and Pez became champion of stealing the heating pad if I get up for even a split second. I come back to discover him curled and claiming that he was there first, his expression mocking me, as if to say, “finders keepers….” If you are looking for a dog with perfectly behaved ears, I’m so sorry, but Pez’s ears are in constant disagreement. The right ear thinks it should be pointing up and the left ear believes it is important to point down. Despite the quarreling ears, Pez remains a very calm and gentle pup. In the two weeks that he has been residing at our house, I haven’t heard him bark once. He has been a perfect gentleman with strangers and other dogs; carrying himself with an amiable dignity despite the prancing and the mismatched ears. On a more personal note, and I hate to embarrass him more than I already have, but although Pez had a few accidents when he first arrived at our house, he now knows the drill and takes care of his personal business in the back garden or on walks. One last note, Pez does not appear to realize his name is “Pez”, after much experimentation, we have found that he responds much better when called “Scotty Biscuits”.

Pez is estimated to be 12 years young and 10 pounds.

Pez Pez