

Chihuahua, Short Coat
5 lbs (toy)
Status: Adopted

Peggy, how are you so cute? Your precious teeny snout, slightly derpy tongue, wee white socks, and overall scrumptious tiny self are all completely irresistible. Peggy can often be found snuggled up with another mutt, enjoying a cozy lap session, or strolling around checking in with her friends, which are many because this girl is very nice! Overall Peggy is pure chi perfection!


Peggy, Peggy sweet as pie! She’s the apple of our eye(s). :) Haha!

Peggy is such a sweet, good girl. She settled in wonderfully right away with our 3 mutt household, and even tolerated our chug’s very forceful hello (he sometimes acts more like a bulldozer than a dog). She is a golden oldie and is a bit stiff/walks with a limp but doesn’t appear to be in pain.

She is VERY adventurous so it’s important that her new family be sure to watch her if she’s up on a couch or in a human bed. She actually doesn’t sleep in bed with us and seems very pleased with that arrangement. She has her own little overnight sleep area and does so well in it. If she has to go potty before we are awake she will alert bark to let us know “Hello! I need to go out!”

Peggy definitely knows that she should go potty outside and prefers doing that. If you take her out regularly she will definitely do all of her business outside. If we are in our offices and miss her potty signals, she leaves a dainty puddle but it’s totally been our faults.

Peggy LOVES food which is kind of surprising because she’s a skinny little thing. She is so tender and loving and patient…unless there’s a plate of food in front of her then ALL BETS ARE OFF AND SHE IS GOING TO EAT EVERY LAST BIT! Since we have 3 other dogs we just sit in the kitchen with them to make sure no one steals anyone’s food.

Peggy’s happiest place is being snuggled up quietly on the couch next to us. She makes the cutest little snoring/purring noises.

Because of Peggy’s stiffness in her legs and joints, she’d do best with a family that isn’t looking for a dog to go on long walks with. She will happily walk but I think health-wise it’d be best if they’re short, leisurely walks. I bet she would LOVE being in a dog stroller!

We love Peggy so much and know she will make someone so so happy.

Peggy Peggy