Patty Melt

Patty Melt

12 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

A classic beauty with old world charm, this Terrier/Poodle mix is one spectacular mutt! She sits atop her pedestal teaching other dogs at the shelter how to have manners, where to use the potty, and at times how to stop and smell the roses. Patty Melt is just waiting for her perfect forever home with someone who doesn’t mind transporting her up and down stairs and will give her the most love and attention!

Here’s some notes from her foster:

We have been fostering sweet Patty Melt for a couple weeks and she has already melted our hearts! I don’t even know where to start. I don’t think we have ever fostered such a gentle, docile, loving little dog. Patty Melt has an excellent temperament. She is agreeable to handling, brushing, carrying and even bathing. She is bright and curious about her surroundings and isn’t nervous or scared with new people or places. In fact Patty Melt loves everybody: people, dogs, and cats. I think she would fit in well in almost any type of family.

Patty Melt does have limited vision, we think she can see some light and shadows but not much else. But Patty Melt doesn’t let her impaired sight hinder her. She sniff sniff sniffs her way around her environment. Patty Melt is also happy to put her trust in you or even another dog to gently guide her around obstacles during a walk. She is a low maintenance gal – a trip around the block is all she really needs. Patty Melt knows that outside is potty time and can hold her business overnight. We think this girl is potty trained!

Patty Melt’s two favorite activities (besides walks of course!) are napping and snuggle time. She is an absolute cuddle bug and will lean her full fuzzy weight on your chest or put her head on your lap. Patty Melt absolutely lights up when you pet, cuddle, and talk to her. She loves her people and will follow you around the house just to be near you. She is also a big fan of treats and will eat basically anything from your hand. We can’t believe that someone hasn’t already snapped up this perfect girl. Let’s give her a home for the holidays!

Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt Patty Melt