

9 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

You’re no fool. You can see that Parka is a fake dog created by AI to push the limits of belief… Wait, what? We’re just finding out that Parka is actually a real live dog! It’s hard to believe, but apparently it’s true! This mind-bendingly cute, sweet, quiet, polite girl could actually become your best friend. In real life. Not in a simulation. If you still don’t believe us, come on by and meet her in person!

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Parka is a lovely and loving companion. By the second day, she seemed very comfortable here and more of her personality started to show. For example, it turns out that this old lady loves chasing balls! She’s tiny, so I got a mini-tennis ball and she gallops off after it with the cutest little wiggle to her trot. Since she doesn’t have any teeth left, she can’t actually carry the ball back to me, but she makes a valiant effort every time and is quite proud of her accomplishment! Very cute.

Parka loves meal time and she seems very food-focused. She gobbles up her meals and doesn’t hesitate to ask for more. If I’m in the kitchen, she’ll sit right next to me and give me her best puppy dog eyes, hoping for a morsel. But, she nevers barks or does anything other than sit there and hope. In fact, she’s hardly made a sound since she’s been here, other than a very quiet squeak to let me know she needs help up the stairs. She doesn’t seem to know any basic commands (other than “no!”), but given how food motivated she is, I bet she could learn them pretty quickly.

In terms of medications, accidents, or any other potential issues, so far, she’s been pretty much perfect! She doesn’t seem to notice or care about taking her meds. No problem or complaints. She’s had no accidents since she’s been with me. She does her business every time we go for a walk or out in the backyard. No fuss, no problem. She pulls a bit on leash when she smells something yummy and wants to follow the aroma trail. But, once it’s clear that we are going in a different direction, she gets the message and moves on, searching for the next aroma. When I’m working, she sits quietly in her bed on the floor next to me, checking in every so often for a cuddle. She very much loves caresses under her chin or anywhere on her head.

Parka is going to be such a lovely addition to any household! She’s looking forward to showering her forever family with love!

Parka Parka Parka Parka Parka Parka Parka Parka Parka