Paprika & Chili

Paprika & Chili

Chihuahua/Dachshund; Chihuahua/Dachshund
Female; Female
10 lbs (small); 18 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

What has eight legs, two heads, and needs to move in with you right now so that your life will become more incredible than you ever could have imagined? It’s Paprika and Chili, the beautiful, bonded BFFs! While these sweet sisters share the same stunning auburn fur, you can easily tell them apart thanks to Miss Chili’s distinctive potato shape. They’re both quiet, calm, affectionate, and ready to invite you into their loving little family.

Paprika & Chili’s adoption fee has been covered by a superfan!!

Here’s some notes from their foster:

- house trained

- Enjoy riding in cards, love going to the park, enjoy walks

- love kids!

Chili- Chili is quite a mellow, low-key gal. While at first, I thought she just liked to sit in the grass in the backyard and monitor the birds, she actually enjoys short walks around the neighborhood. She mostly does her business outside in the grass and occasionally will use a pee-pad inside. She eats well and does love to snuggle on your lap. Stairs are not her friend and she really cannot be bothered with them, but that may change with some practice. Chili hardly makes a peep and prefers to observe at a distance. She does well in the bath and loves her belly rubbed. She is a very gentle gal and loves to saw-logs while napping!

Paprika- Paprika is quite shy at first, but loves a good lap and butt scratching to get warmed up. She does not love to be walked on a leash, but she can be encouraged to get her daily exercise while walking with her sister outside. She prefers quiet areas with grass to look around. Paprika takes a little time to get use to where to potty, but has gotten use to her new surroundings and uses the grass backyard mostly. She has used the pee pad a few times while inside as well. She is not a fan of stairs and does not want much to do with them. She does well in the bath and loves to cuddle on your lap. She is a very happy, excited girl in the am- which makes her a joy to wake up to. She generally can be found curled up, snoozing! Paprika loves her sister Chili and keeps an eye on her at all times!!

Chili and Paprika continue to be the sweetest girls on the block. Some new things I have discovered about them is they both really love kids. We walk by a school on our daily walks and they are both wagging their tails heavily in excitement. A handful of times, the girls have been pet and loved on by a small child or children- enjoying every second. They are both have taken an interest in walking on their leashes and are fully potty trained to do their business outside. Chili and Paprika do well riding in cars and love being at the park to monitor everyone’s business. They particularly loved a full day at Hardly Strictly and consider themselves cultured in the SF music scene. Another great discovery is their ability to go up and down stairs. It takes some time and hyping up, but Chili and Paprika are pretty proud of themselves upon completion!

These two are quite the pair. They do so well together, keeping each other comfortable and happy. I love to see their bonded love for each other

Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili Paprika & Chili