

13 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted for hospice care

Here’s some notes from her foster:

I’ve been taking care of Panzanella for almost a week now, and she’s just been the sweetest girl ever. She’s still shy and coming out of her shell, but eager to explore and sniff everything new. She’s extremely cautious about every new noise and touch, but is curious and quick to learn. She prefers her own space right now instead of being close to people, so I’m just giving her some space and letting her open up to us on her own terms.

She knows how to ask to go to the bathroom – she waits by our sliding door and looks at us to be let out. There have been a few instances where we miss her cue and she has an accident in the house, so we’re trying to be better at letting her periodically.

She takes her time to eat, and prefers to have a variety of flavors each week. Variety is the spice of life for this little lady!

She enjoys going out for short walks, and especially loves the park! She does well around other dogs, and will gently let another dog know when they’ve crossed her boundaries. (she doesn’t like it when other dogs sniff her food bowl while she’s eating, but who enjoys that anyway)

At night she prefers to sleep alone, but likes to make sure that we’re all going to bed before she settles. She hasn’t explored half of of our house yet. She’s chosen to spend her time in the living room and kitchen (where we are most of the time), and hasn’t fully explored any of the bedrooms yet. I see her caution and I want to respect it, so I’m just ignoring her unless she asks for attention, hoping to give her space and not smother her with affection. She likes pets and belly rubs, will kiss you when she feels like it. I know that once some more time passes, she will feel more comfortable and show more of her personality. She’s a sweet sweet girl, I know she has such a kind and gentle soul.

This dog is hospice due to the following medical conditions: Neoplasia (Cancer)

Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella Panzanella