

Shih Tzu
11 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

A meticulous scrapbooker, Overalls loves a quiet night in as much as a trip to Michael’s to buy neon markers and photo glue. Overalls is a 70’s fashionista with a gorgeous coat and big brown eyes. She’s great with other dogs, especially those who enjoy coming up with catchy sayings like, “Crafting isn’t a hobby. It’s a way of life.” Overalls has some vision impairment but that doesn’t stop her from walking and snuggling like a champ.

Here’s some notes from her foster:

Overalls is the perfect name because she acts like any other Foster dog of the same breed I had in my home and better. Overalls does not let her vision limit her ability as a dog. She relax and sleep majority of the time. She loves to snuggle and be close to a human touch. She excited to go outside and use it. She is house broken.

She loves treats and is guarded with her treats. Overall gets uncomfortable when another dog is walking ( "creeping ) around her while she is laying down for a snooze, this seems to be her most vulnerable position. She She loves to be rub and to be talked too. She doesn’t bark. Overall she sleeps though out the night and prefers to be in her own dog bed.

Overalls fits into our home just right. She smelled her way around the house and became familiar smell and different objects. She will sit in the kitchen while you are cooking to have the first bite of the meal. – only if you let her!

Because of her eyes, I make sure she can hear and follow my footsteps as I move around the house. I make sure she knows where the doggy stairs and bed is located. I keep Overalls on a short leash to guide her direction to avoid hitting objects and people while outside. Inside the house, Overalls has free range. She gets around just fine!

Overalls Overalls Overalls Overalls Overalls Overalls Overalls Overalls