

11 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Meet Origami! This sweet girl will prance her way into your heart!

Here what her foster has to say about her:

Origami is flirtatious and outgoing…she will come right up to you and charmingly tap you with her little paw to pet her head. She is super low maintenance; she likes to snuggle up in the sunniest spot of the room. She is great on walks. I take her on a one to two mile walk per day. She walks at a good pace and enjoys sniffing new spots and other dogs. I have 2 dogs of my own and she has gotten along well with them. I have stairs and shehas been able to maneuver them like a pro. She is potty trained and knows to go outside.

This little gal would do great anywhere… when I leave her alone in my home, she settles in and sleeps. She doesn’t dig or scratch or chew anything. (I monitor her on camera.) .

She is spry! She can jump up on sofas and into cars… she jumps into the cars very excitedly! Currently she sleeps together in her little snuggly bed, and sleeps through the night with no problems. This little gal would make a fantastic, loving addition to your family!

Origami Origami Origami Origami Origami Origami