

Dachshund Long Hair/Pom
Small (6-20 lbs)
Status: Adopted

Are you looking for a special little friend who is not only here nor there, but everywhere? Meet Norbert!

Norbet is a fluffy brown Dachshund with dashing Doxie good looks and look in his eyes that says adorable high jinks are just waiting to happen! There is definitely an aura of tomfoolery when Norbert is around! There are no limits to amount of fun and surprises that await you when you spend time with Norbet. Do you want to feel like you’re five years old again and jump in a puddle, or start skipping down a crowded sidewalk? Do it! Norbert’s a silly little guy himself who won’t think any less of you for making a fool of yourself. In fact, he’ll join you by making a fool of himself with equal excitement! Life is best when you are enjoying yourself, and even more wonderful when you have someone like Norbert sharing that enjoyment! We all know that life doesn’t always have to be perfect to be wonderful. But on the other hand (paw?), Norbert is wonderful and just perfect for you! Let’s make life wonderful again! Come by Muttville and meet Norbert today!

Norbert is estimated to be 12 years young and 13 pounds.

Staff Pick

Norbert is my “staff pick” because I’m a sucker for his lovable little underbite. He is full of life, and very social, but he likes to take a break from the action to get some cuddles too. Some lucky person is going to get to experience his beautiful super-soft fur during cuddle sessions. He loves being outside and exploring and would be a great walking buddy. After some exercise, he finds a comfy spot, does a happy dance on his back (wiggling around), and settles in for a good nap – Sophie

Watch Norbert as he arrived, coming to us from Sacramento!
Norbert Norbert Norbert