

13 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Here is what her foster has to say!

Nina is just the sweetest, cutest little fluffer around made even cuter by her constant little blep. She has a beautiful poofy pomeranian coat that is a little patchy in places due to a previous flea/tick infestation but I am sure it will grow back with TLC. She came to us heavily matted and needs an adopter that is willing to brush her out on a daily basis and take her to regular grooming sessions. Right now Nina’s back end is shaved short because we have been diapering her (only for urine, she always poops outside). She has been doing better and better every day at potty training and will urinate almost every time we take her outside. The reason we are diapering her is because she has a (maybe stress induced?) compulsion to pee in her bed before she sleeps in it, so we didn’t want her sleeping in a urine-soaked bed all the time. We are hoping that as she gets more comfortable she might relax this odd habit. But the good news is that the diapers work super well and are really easy for her to wear, we hardly even think about it anymore.

Nina is a bit skittish and nervous when we approach her, and will freeze and flip belly-up if she doesn’t like what you are doing. As long as you are gentle and approach slowly she is just fine and will wag her tail like crazy when she sees you. Speaking of a wagging tail, Nina’s two favorite things are food and walks. She is outrageously adorable and will dance and spin and bow to you in excitement at dinner time. We have to put her meds in her food, not because she doesn’t like them but because she is SO excited she can’t sit still long enough to get them in her mouth properly. She does the same thing before walks and you have to keep a close eye on her because she is quite the door dasher! Nina prances and hops up and down with joy for every walk, no matter how short. She definitely wants an adopter who can give her lots of daily walks.

Nina has so much love and will show you with huge tail wags and following you from room to room. She is not a cuddler yet but is happy to hang out next to you on the couch or bed. She gets along well with our cat and our other dog, but she will growl at them if they get too close to her bed, so no pet-sibling snuggling at this time. We were able to acclimate her to our very short porch stairs and foam stairs to the couch, but I think it would take a lot of work and patience to get her to get her up a full staircase. Nina is also a little nervous on hardwood floors, so be prepared with lots of rugs and mats as she gets comfortable. Overall Nina is the sweetest most adorable floof and anyone would be lucky to have her!

Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina