Mystery Dance

Mystery Dance

18 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

Meet Mystery Dance, the Pomeranian prince with a heart of gold! Sweet and mellow, he’s a true gentleman, getting along splendidly with other furry friends. Mystery Dance struts around like a dapper champ, radiating charm and grace. Adopt Mystery Dance, and let his charm and grace in a stylish pantsuit find a special place in your heart, making every day a delightful dance!

Here’s what his foster has to say:

Mystery Dance is a very sweet boy. He is very slowly coming out of his shell and will continue to blossom in the weeks and months ahead. He has a good appetite but needs to lose some weight-big boy!! He rides super well in the car-checks out the window or just sits quietly. He has not made a peep since I have had him. He has no separation distress and can be left home alone without concern. He learned where the door is quickly and will go to it when he has to go potty. He also knows how to use pee pads. He is very smart and treat motivated. He learned how to use our ramp after one training. He enjoys his blankies-not on him but around him so he can rearrange them to his liking-LOL!!

If you are looking for a quiet, mellow chap that needs some space and love to learn to feel comfortable again, then Mystery Dance is your boy!!! He’s definitely worth it!!

Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance Mystery Dance