Miss Salty

Miss Salty

Coonhound, Treeing Walker/Mix
44 lbs (medium)
Status: Adopted for hospice care

Meet Miss Salty, a hardworking hound dog who enjoyed a distinguished career in airport security before she decided it was time to collect her pension. Miss Salty is spending her retirement relaxing, being beautiful, waiting for dinner, eating dinner, and thinking about how much she enjoyed dinner. This mellow girl is so gentle and sweet with everyone, humans and dogs alike. She may prefer a stair-free home; after all, who has time for all of that annoying rising and treading?

Miss Salty is hospice due to the following medical conditions: advanced age, arthritis, cushings disease

Here’s a note from her foster:

Miss Salty is just the sweetest lady! She is gentle and sharp for her age, appreciating everything around her, especially food. Most importantly, food. Did I mention food? (Makes sense – her security job was as an agriculture detector.)

She is 15 but carries herself so well. On days she feels great, she will hop, skip, and jump around like a young pup. She gets around pretty easily, although, from her appearance, you might not think she can move so quickly.

Our first days together, Salty was pretty quiet. She was adjusting to her new environment, losing her guardian, and adding many new meds to get her health under control. Then, her meds kicked in, we made a connection, and her personality began to flourish. This girl just wants to feel loved and safe.

She is extremely food motivated. A factor may be her Cushings, but I also believe treats were her reward for a job well done as a former U.S. Customs and Border Protection dog. She likes food, and she isn’t gonna let you forget it! Because of this, Salty is a bit of a velcro dog. She wants to be underfoot to assist in any food-related potential.

Miss Salty is EXCITED to eat. She’s excited to snack. She’s excited for you to eat. She’s excited for you to snack. While she won’t be too pushy, she will plead with her eyes.

Enough about food. Salty loves other dogs. Salty gets along with the cats, & my dog Frittata. Also my boyfriend. Everyone gets a quick sniff and a loose tail wag. If she goes to a home with other dogs, a mature one will do best to match her energy, but she did just fine with a spunky younger dog in my backyard. She just didn’t engage.

Miss Salty loves a leisurely walk. (But I don’t actually think this is 100% necessary as it’s more for enrichment). I was surprised at how much she walked. We went to the beach, and she trotted along the SF shoreline for about a mile. She does great on a harness and leash. Due to her former working days, she walks the perimeter of things and takes long scent stops. The first pass at a new block will be slow (plus she is an old lady!), but peculiarly enough, on the walk back, she will hardly stop as it’s like she already knows she’s done her work there.

Miss Salty can do stairs slowly. She is good about her extra bathroom breaks, she’ll come to your bedside to look you in the eye to get you up to get her to the backyard for potty-time! She loves exploring the house, and she is a curious gal.

Overall, Salty is just a dedicated dream dog. She’s put in a lot of work over her life and deserves to be pampered and loved for the rest of it! She is going to be a wonderful addition to someone’s life.

Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty Miss Salty