Mee Maw

Mee Maw

8 lbs (small)
Status: Adopted

This little gal sports a full-body mullet that bewitches, beguiles and tugs at the heart strings. The party up front is all about scruff, wisps and well-placed fuzz. The business in back is under new management, ready to sprout fancy fur to match the ploof on the end of her tail. She’s still a little miffed that we took the keys to her rusty Ford Escort with the Dolly Parton for President bumper sticker, but she gets around fine without it and still wants to sit in everybody’s lap. Mee Maw is a mentor for anyone looking to squeeze a little more love out of life.

Mee Maw Mee Maw Mee Maw Mee Maw Mee Maw Mee Maw Mee Maw